The Brick's eGift Card

Customize your card

Choose an image

Select or enter an amount

Enter an amount between $10 - $2000 CAD

Message (optional)

The eGift Card will be delivered to the recipient's email account.

The Gift Card will be emailed to this address

Who the Gift Card is To (example: Mom)

Who the Gift Card is From (example: Grandma)

Credit card information

Credit Card Number

  • Visa card
  • American Express card
  • Mastercard

All transactions are secure and encrypted

Expiration Date

Month and year


What is CVV? 3-digit security code usually found on the back of your card. American Express cards have a 4-digit code located on the front.

Billing information

The Receipt will be emailed to this address

The Brick's preloader

Processing. Please do not refresh the page.

Gift Card Summary



Delivery email:


Total: $

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